How to protect your children and their money,even when they're far away

Unauthorized overdrafts
Overdrafts are impossible: your child cannot spend more than the amount on his or her account.
Raising awareness of digital security
With Bloon, security is guaranteed thanks to the anti-fraud detection system and Visa Secure technology, as well as the generation of a virtual card during online payments. Our educational modules also teach your child how to protect his or her money on the Internet.
A parental control system
Bloon offers you the most powerful parental control on the market. You can fine-tune the card's settings according to your child's needs and age, so he or she can't buy just anything and everything.
To be able to intervene at any time
The Bloon application sends you a notification every time you make a transaction. In the event of a problem, you can make an immediate transfer to your child, refuse an online payment or block the card. Your child also has access to an SOS mode, enabling him or her to unlock the card's functions to make an unexpected purchase (train ticket, cab, sandwich...).

Avoid commercial solicitations
Bloon is committed to financial education.
The least you can do is not to send advertising, promotions, sollocitations or incentives to spend (cashback etc.) to your children, who remain vulnerable and suggestible individuals.
How the Bloon cardacts to protect your child
The way you give your child pocket moneyexposes your child to different risks.

With the Bloon,you can protect your child and his or her money.

The card will be available soon!
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