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Frequently asked questions

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Frequently asked questions

All the answersto your questions

Here are the most frequently asked questions. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact us via the form below, or directly at
Can I limit purchases on sites such as Shein, Temu, Alibaba etc.?
With the Bloon card for minors, you can not only block purchases on the sites of your choice, but also limit purchases to a certain amount over a period of your choice. Example: "limit spending on Shein to a maximum of €15/month". You can set limits by category, by merchant, or simply by day or week. These limits can be combined with other criteria such as time of day, day of the week, etc. 
How can Bloon help me control my child's spending?
The Bloon application gives you total control: you can set daily, weekly or monthly spending limits, block certain categories of merchants (such as online games or fast-food outlets), or manually approve each transaction.
Can I block certain merchants or types of purchase?
Yes, Bloon offers the option of blocking entire merchant categories (e.g. online video games) or specific merchants. You can customize these restrictions to suit your family's needs.
How does Bloon's emergency mode work?
Emergency mode allows your child to access a parental reserve in the event of an unforeseen situation, such as transportation or a necessary purchase. This mode is activated only with your authorization, to guarantee controlled use.
Can my teenager have more freedom with Bloon?
Absolutely, Bloon is designed to evolve with the needs and maturity of children and teenagers. Bloon lets you adjust the card's scope of use and functionalities in real time. So you're sure to have a card that's always right for your kids and your needs. 
Can I adjust the map settings in real time?
Yes, all card parameters can be adjusted in real time. For example, if your child needs an extra budget for an unexpected outing, you can immediately increase his or her spending limit via the app.
Is Bloon suitable for younger children?
Yes, thanks to its highly configurable settings, Bloon is perfectly suited to young children. You can restrict usage times, limit authorized amounts, and even block specific merchants.
Financial Education
How are refunds managed?
For each expense, the child can request reimbursement, which will be notified on the parent's application. It is then up to them to decide whether or not to reimburse the expense. Once the reimbursement has been processed, the expense is marked as processed, and cannot be reimbursed twice. With this feature, parents can be sure that they will not reimburse the same expense more than once.
Are educational tools suitable for all ages?
Yes, Bloon's educational features are designed to adapt to the needs of young children and teenagers, so they can learn financial management at their own pace.
Does Bloon help children learn to manage their money?
Yes, Bloon includes educational tools that teach children to plan their spending, save for specific goals, and understand the value of money. These features evolve with the child's age and maturity.
Do financial reports help my child better understand his expenses?
Yes, with detailed reports, your child can identify recurring expenses, understand priorities, and improve financial planning. Detailed reports are available at any time and can be downloaded in PDF format. You can select a monthly, quarterly or yearly period to assess cash inflows and outflows, as well as major expenses, categories, merchants and many other statistics to better understand where the money goes. 
Can my child track his expenses?
Bloon provides detailed reports, available monthly, quarterly and annually. These reports allow your child to visualize his or her spending habits and better understand where his or her money is going.
How does Bloon encourage savings?
Bloon allows your child to create dedicated savings sub-accounts to achieve specific goals, such as buying a toy or saving for a personal project.
Open an account
How do I open a Bloon account for my child?
Opening a Bloon account is quick, easy, free and without obligation! Just click on the "Login / Registration" button to access our web platform. Once you've entered your details, you can set up your child's account directly, select the subscription that suits you best and order their card straight away.
Can my child open an account on his or her own?
No, for reasons of security and responsibility, only a parent or legal guardian can open a Bloon account. This ensures that the child is properly supervised in the use of the card.
How much does it cost to open and manage a Bloon account?
Opening an account is free, and subscription costs €4.99 per month per child. You can also take advantage of a discount by opting for an annual subscription, which costs €4/month with a one-off payment of €48 for the year (i.e. 2 months free).
How many accounts can I open with Bloon?
You can open several Bloon accounts for different children in your family. Each account is managed individually, but all can be supervised via a single parental interface.
What documents do I need to open a Bloon account?
To guarantee optimum security and comply with legislation, Bloon requires verification of the guardian's identity with a valid ID (national identity card or passport). This verification is not immediate and you can already use Bloon functionalities, but certain restrictions are applied until validation is finalized, such as limiting the account value to €150. Identity verification does not apply to the child - only the guardian creating the account will be required to take full advantage of Bloon. Identity verification is free and online.
At what age can I open a Bloon account for my child?
You can open a Bloon account for your child from the age of 8. This bank card for minors is designed to introduce children to financial management in a secure and appropriate environment.
Safety and Children
Can the card be blocked automatically in the event of misuse?
Yes, Bloon automatically blocks transactions that are suspicious or do not comply with the restrictions set by parents, ensuring total security. For their safety, and in compliance with laws protecting minors: Purchases related to alcohol, tobacco, gambling and adult content are blocked. 
Is emergency mode secure?
Yes, emergency mode can only be activated according to the settings defined by the parents. Parents can choose between 3 modes: No emergency mode availableAn emergency mode that bypasses the rules. In addition, emergency mode is linked to a purchase attempt, and can only be activated for a few minutes after a blocked purchase. Each account has its own settings. 
What happens if my child's card is lost or stolen?
In the event of loss or theft, you can immediately block the card via the Bloon application. A new card can be ordered quickly, and the funds remain protected. You can also suspend a card, which then allows you to reinstate the card whenever you like. (e.g. a card forgotten at a friend's house or in class can be suspended until you get your hands on it again).
How secure is the Bloon card for online purchases?
Yes, the Bloon card for minors is compatible with a Visa card that uses conventional security features for secure payment - just like a parent's card. In addition, Bloon offers parents the ability to validate online purchases above a certain amount. (example: for all internet purchases over €15, ask parents for authorization - via an alert on their phone - before enabling the transaction) ‍
Does Bloon protect against fraud?
While fraud will always be a reality, Bloon has done everything possible to limit it. For example, bloon has chosen not to authorize the card without systematically requesting the pin code or verification by the application. Creating rules is not only a way of ensuring that money is not spent willy-nilly, but also to block its use in unlikely cases (such as physical use abroad in an unlikely country.... but in the end it's you who decides :)
Is my child's personal data protected?
Personal data is protected and encrypted. In the context of personal data management, we implement all the recommendations of the RGPD, which aims to protect private data. Children's data is all the more sensitive and we have implemented additional steps to protect it, and we even go so far as not to use it for our own communications - apart from messages essential to the smooth running of Bloon. Data is never shared with marketing partners, and we refuse to market to children and require our technology suppliers to do so.Â